P. Hayrikyan will Visit the Court at hist testimony

During the preceding the victim P. Hayrikyan`s wife Susanna Avagyan was testified, who informed that she had heard sound of nipple shot and then hurried to the entry of the building and saw her husband lying on the ground, wounded above the chest. While their daughter Nare Hayrikyan also had heard nipple explosion, and neighbor`s daughter noticed a person in black with black hat.
The testimony of P. Hayrikyan`s neighbor S. Gevorgyan at the court was contradicting to the one she gave during the trial period. As an answer to the announcement of Kh. Poghosyan`s defender L. Avetisyan about witness`s testimony, the witness informed: “I was telling the investigator, and he was writing, then I read and said that it wasn`t matching the truth, the investigator said it`s OK”. Kh. Janazyan was also testified. The victim P. Hayrikyan wasn`t present at the Court because of his treatment; according to the announcement of his representative P. Hayrikyan will visit the Court at his testimony.
The court proceeding was delayed because the culprit Kh. Poghosyan`s health condition was worsening, the latter suffers from diabetes.
Next proceeding will be held on 07.06.2013 at 12.00.
Picture of Helsinki Assosiation.
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