The illegal and humiliating behavior of police officers against peaceful civilians in Armenia
Only during July 17th Armenian Police persecuted more than 140 people from in Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor, where there was found 1 minor. It is specified that more than 100 civilians in Yerevan were taken to the 1033 division of police army, in some cases keeping people there more from 6 to 30 hours. The public was aware about a case when the family of an activist was taken and kept to force him to appear to police division.
With this the police have violated national lows of Armenia and international legal acts to Republic of Armenia is a member state. During these days the police was up to limiting the fundamental right to free movement, right to assembly and freedom of speech of civilians without introducing any facts or adequate basis to it.
Human Rights House Yerevan announces:
The illegal and humiliating behavior of police officers against peaceful civilians on limiting their fundamental human rights cannot be justified with any ongoing political events.
We are demanding from police and National Security Service of Armenian Republic to respect and defend human rights and freedoms of Armenian Citizens, to exclude the use of weapons, to act legitimate and responsibly.
We call especially mass media to be attentive and present in the monitoring of the human rights violations and to supply national and international public with competent and adequate information without any targeted misinterpretation of the situation.
We are calling to human rights defenders and NGOs, public figures and citizens to establish safety barricades between police and the group that occupied the Grand Patrol Service station.
We demand from Human Rights Defender of Republic of Armenia to promote assistance while establishing the safety barricade, to adequately react on the situation and to make efforts for defending fundamental human rights of citizens.
We call OSCE office, the embassies of European countries and the embassy of USA in Armenia to organize and exercise monitoring of Armenian Police activities. Within the situation the solution of political situation with the use of weapons and with victims is inacceptable. And the responsibility is on the whole administrative system.
Human Rights House Yerevan defender organizations union, including:
- Sciascope Societal Research and Consultancy Center
- Journalists club Asparez
- Real world, Real people NGO
- Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor
- Public Information and Need of Knowledge (PINK Armenia)
- Women’s Resource Center
- Helsinki Association for Human Rights
United to announcement:
Coalition Against Women Violence
50/50 civil initiative
Environmental Rights NGO
Anna Shahnazaryan
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