Jun 23, 2016
Հրաչյա Գևորգյանի առողջական վիճակը շարունակում է մնալ ծանր
Սույն թվականի Հունիսի 14-ինՀՀվերաքննիչ քրեական դատարանում կայացավ Հրաչյա Գևորգյանի գործով հերթական դատական նիստը: Ամբաստանյալը դատականնիստին ներկայացել էր սայլակով, քանի որ վերջինիս առողջական վիճակը նրան թույլչ էր տալիս ինքնուրույն տեղաշարժվել: Ավելին՝դատական նիստին ներկա Հելսինկյան ասոցիցիայի ներկայացուցիչը հավաստացրեց, որ Հրաչյան նիստի ընթացքում դատավորների կողմից իրեն ուղղված հարցերին պատասխանելիս դժվարանում էր բառերն արտասանել ամբողջությամբ կամ խոսում էր վանկերով:
Նշենք, որ ամբաստանյալը 2011 թվականից կալանավորված է Նուբարաշեն ՔԿՀ-ում, որի ընթացում ձեռք է բերել վերջույթների թուլությ…
Jun 8, 2016
Right to Life vs. Right to Death
In the process of paralleling the importance of human rights with importance of human life, there are two crucial questions that should be made:
1.What government thinks human rights are.
2.What human community thinks human rights are.
When writing about democratic government Stuart Mill characterized it as a type of authority which has an objective to persuade the population in the best fashion that all the decisions made by government are for welfare of the society. “Does the state have the right to impose its will over the will of the individual”? A fear question posed by Raphael Co…
May 25, 2016
Is a Right Without Remedy a Right at All?
Here the issue is that the punishment for individuals for war crimes has acquired much more attention than the compensation for the victims of these crimes. Citing English lawyer and Judge Alfred Thomson, known as Lord Denning, let’s ask the question “Is a right without remedy a right at all”? Otherwise, if there are no compensations for the violations of human rights, what is the purpose and sense of their protection? Well, the punishment of criminals raises the sense of fairness of victims. But how about the human losses they have had? And what is the extent for measuring the value of v…
Apr 29, 2016
Statement on torture, degrading and inhuman treatment
Hrachya Gevorgyan announced a hunger strike in protest. We have informed the RA Human Rights Defender’s office and the Group of Public Observers Conducting Public Monitoring of Penitentiary Institutions and Bodies of the Ministry of Justice. During the visit of the observers the prison’s administration transferred the other prisoner of the same cell who was helping Gevorgyan. As a result Gevorgyan was left helpless. H. Gevorgyan was arrested in the Court of the first Instance in 2011. The trial lasted for 4 years and 3 months, and since the hearing in the Court of Appeal on February 1, …
Apr 15, 2016
Կարեն Կունգուրցևը արդարացվեց
Լոռու մարզի ընդհանուր իրավասության դատարանը (դատավոր Ն. Հովակիմյան) պաշտպանյալիս՝ Կարեն Կունգուրցևի գործով կայացրեց արդարացման դատական ակտ: Կունգուրցևը մեղադրվում էր սպանության փորձ կատարելու մեջ (34-104), մեղադրողը պահանջել էր 9,5 տարի ազատազրկում: Գործի քննությունն ընթացավ 2 տարի 7 ամիս:
Mar 10, 2016
Women = Men
The equality of rights and responsibilities for people requires equal conditions to exercise them. For this, the equality of women and men in all social, professional and political spheres is necessary. The comparison and assessment of men’s and women’s requirements shall be considered. The Committee Regulating the Issues Concerning Men and Women Equality organized a seminar about “Consolidation of legal equality: Common Issue for Men and Women” in 1997, where the topic of discussion was the achievement of real partnership between men and women and the equality as a factor for the positive…
Dec 25, 2015
Right to Death
The medico-legal definition of death is that the moment when the body starts to break up. The right to dead is a right of possessing one’s life and the possibility to choose the place and the conditions of one’s death. Death, in modern times, often ensures a long and painful fall where one loses control both physically and emotionally. Some individuals embrace the time that modern technology buys them; while others find the loss of control overwhelming and frightening. They want their loved ones to remember them as they were not as they have become. Some even elect death to avoid burden…
Dec 11, 2015
Right to Live
What is the right to life? This is the right which is defined differently according to the time and the place. Historically it is defined as right not to be killed. This right is in the beginning of a simple reprobation and denunciation of the homicide. The legal definition of right to life is called to protect citizens against what is considered as “a legal murder”: the capital punishment. All these definitions indicate not only about the right of person not to be killed, but also about the right to be born. Therefore, that doesn’t coincide with the rights of women concerning freedom o…