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The Government

Article 85. Executive power in the Republic of Armenia

shall be vested in the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

The Government shall be composed of the Prime Minister and the Ministers. The powers of the Government shall be determined by the Constitution and by laws.

The organization and rules of operation of the Government shall be determined by a decree of the President of the Republic, upon the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Article 86. The meetings of the Government shall be chaired by the President of the Republic, or upon his or her recommendation, by the Prime Minister.

Government decisions shall be signed by the Prime Minister and approved by the President.

The Prime Minister shall convene and chair a Government meeting when requested by the majority of Government members under the circumstances foreseen in Article 59 of the Constitution.

Article 87. The Prime Minister shall oversee the Government’s regular activities and shall coordinate the work of the Ministers.

The Prime Minister may adopt resolutions. In cases prescribed by the rules of operations of the Government, resolutions approved by the Prime Minister may also be signed by the Minister responsible for the implementation of the resolution.

Article 88. A member of the Government may not be a member of any representative body, hold any other public office, or engage in any other paid occupation.

Article 89. The Government:

1) shall submit its program to the National Assembly for approval in accordance with

Article 74 of the Constitution;

2) shall submit the draft state budget to the National Assembly for approval, guarantee the implementation of the budget and submit financial reports on the budget to the National Assembly;

3) shall manage state property;

4) shall ensure the implementation of unified state policies in the areas of finances, economy, taxation and loans and credits;

5) shall ensure the implementation of state policies in the areas of science, education, culture, health, social security and environmental protection;

6) shall ensure the implementation of the defense, national security and foreign policies of the Republic;

7) shall take measures toward the strengthening of legality, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the protection of property and public order.

Article 90. The Government shall submit the proposed state budget to the National Assembly at least sixty days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year and may request that this proposal, with any amendments, it may adopt, be voted on prior to the expiration of the budget deadline. The Government may raise the question of a vote of confidence in conjunction with the adoption of the state budget. If a vote of no confidence is not adopted by the National Assembly, as provided under Article 74 of the Constitution, then the state budget and related amendments approved by the Government shall be considered adopted.

In case of a vote of no confidence related to the proposed state budget, the new Government shall present the National Assembly with a draft state budget within a period of twenty days. This draft shall be debated and voted on by the National Assembly within a period of thirty days in accordance with the procedure determined by this Article.



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