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Adoption Of The Constitution, Amendments

And Referendum

Article 111. The Constitution shall be adopted or amended by referendum which may be initiated by the President of the Republic or the National Assembly.

The President of the Republic shall call a referendum upon the request or agreement of the majority of the Deputies of the National Assembly.

The President of the Republic may remand the Draft Constitution or the draft of constitutional amendments, within twenty one days following their submittal back to the National Assembly, with his or her objections and suggestions, requesting a reexamination.

The President of the Republic will submit to a referendum within the period prescribed by the National Assembly a draft Constitution or draft constitutional amendments, when they are reintroduced by at least two thirds of the total number of Deputies of the National Assembly.

Article 112. Laws may be submitted to a referendum upon the request of the National Assembly or the Government in accordance with Article 111 of the Constitution.

Laws passed by referendum may only be amended by referendum.

Article 113. A proposed legislation submitted to a referendum shall be considered to have been passed if it receives more than fifty percent of the votes, but not less than one third of the number of registered voters.

Article 114. Articles 1, 2 and 114 of the Constitution may not be amended.



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